

Jazz in the Old Town

Ofir Schwartz is a pianist, arranger and a composer. He’s considered the most outstanding israeli musician and a rising star of worlds jazz scene receiving better and better reviews in jazz magazines. Progressive trio led by Ofir plays unique music rooted in jazz, rock and drum’n’bass,

Where:Rynek Starego Miasta
Map: click to open
When: August 16th, 7pm
How much: free
Details: click here 




Slavic flavour

The exhibition presents the selection of photographs taken by John Vachon, a photographer who paid three visits to Poland (in 1946, 1956 and 1963) and took pictures of the country and its people. During his first visit, by order of the government of the United States of America, he documented the support offered to Poland after World War II within the framework of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). The pictures of 1956, taken at the request of the “Look” magazine, illustrate Warsaw ravaged after World War II and the efforts of its inhabitants attempting to rebuild their city. At that time Vachon photographed, among others, the Passenger Automobile Factory, schools, hospitals, theatres, coffee houses, museums, meetings of labor unions and of the Sejm (the lower house of the parliament). He was particularly fascinated with the Palace of Culture and Science, a symbol of changing times, which he preserved on many film frames. During his next visit to Poland the photographer took a series of colorful slides for the needs of the “Look” magazine – a unique performance in its time. These images belong to just few photographs illustrating Warsaw in the first half of the 1960s, taken and preserved in color, which have survived to our times. The collection of photos that should be especially distinguished by its uniqueness is a series of photographs of then 25-year-old famous actress Beata Tyszkiewicz.(www.dsh.pl)
Where: Dom Spotkań z Historią, ul. Karowa 20
Map: click to open
When: Tue-Fri: 10am-8pm Sat-Sun: 11am-8pm
How much: free
Details: click here 




Cosmos Calling!

With the onset of the post-Stalin ‘thaw’ in the Eastern Bloc countries and the proclamation of a scientific-technological revolution, science and technology became an important weapon in Cold War rivalries on both sides of the Iron Curtain, causing space flight, modern telecommunications and nuclear energy to emerge as the symbols of the following decade. New scientific disciplines, including astronautics and the literal ‘detachment from the earth’ it made possible, as well as the impact of cybernetics (now rehabilitated in the communist bloc) and its related disciplines such as biocybernetics, robotics or artificial intelligence, shaped the collective imagination and provided a strong inspiration for all artistic disciplines, from painting, sculpture and music to design, architecture and urban planning.

The genre of science fiction, experiencing a revival at the time, and a widespread fascination with scientific discoveries created an important context for the presentation of the era’s experimental designs and artworks. The ‘space race’ contributed to the development of architectural utopias, and the various visions of ‘cities of the future’ were informed by the idea that humans would soon be able to live anywhere on Earth or in space. The scientific-technological revolution was also influential in changing the perception of the human body and its new, expanded, perceptual capabilities. An important theme of 1960s art was the exploration and testing of sensory perception – from kinetic art and op art, through experimental electronic music, to ‘multisensory space’ environments. equipment You’ll probably won’t be indiffferent to what will happen in the sky – the air show! Old soviet and modern american machines will traverse the skies(from: www.zacheta.art.pl)
Where:Zachęta Narodowa Sztuk Pięknych, Pl.Małachowskiego 3
Map: click to open
When: Tue-Sun 12pm-8pm
How much: free
Details: click here 


2 x Exhibitions + Jazz concert = Cultural Saturday in Warsaw 🙂