

Grand Bazar

There used to be great department stores in Warsaw: the last big one was turned a few years ago into a mall with chain shops. How about a visit to a pre-war department store which, at least for a day, will turn into a bazaar selling clothes, accessories, jewellery and shoes from around 100 young Polish brands and independent designers? Polish clothes start becoming more and more appreciated in Europe so don’t miss your chance to hunt for something really cool as a souvenir from Warsaw!

Where: Dom Braci Jabłkowskich / Grand Bazar
Map: click to open
When: Saturday, 11 October, 11am-7pm
How much: free!
Details: click here




Ragman’s Ball

The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, The Museum of Warsaw and the Academy of Fine Arts join forces to inaugurate a special event on the city’s art scene – the opening of the new building of the Academy in Powiśle. This event is concurrent with the launch of the sixth edition of WARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION festival, entitled “The City of Artists” and devoted to the history of Warsaw’s art scene. The Ragman’s Ball builds on the tradition of popular masquerades which the Academy of Fine Arts was famous for in the 1920s-1930s as well as the postwar period of the Thaw. It is also a reminder of the “Dziady” masquerade from the 1990s, in which artists took place alongside famous politicians.
You will need a free ticket to get to the ball and the Museum of Modern Art (www.artmuseum.pl) will be distributing some that are left Friday afternoon. You may also check if there are any spare at Muzeum Warszawy in the Old Town (www.muzeumwarszawy.pl)

Where: New building of Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
Map: click to open
When: Saturday, 11 October, 8pm
How much: you need to get a free ticket
Details: click here




Eat apples and get the Old Town back!

The Old Town in Warsaw is not the most visited part of town by the locals. Many believe theres nothing to do there and all the bars and restaurants are just a tourist rip-off. Even though a part of this opinion is true, why not change this attitude? Karmnik, our fafourite Old Town spot, along with a few other entrepreneurs from Piwna St. launch a first of a series of events called ‘Get The Old Town Back’. This Saturday, it’s the Apple Day – you’ll be aple to savour delicious apple dishes, taste best Polish cider or help the Poles beat Putin’s embargo by eating as many Polish apples as you can:) All that accompanied by multiple street events and music from djs.

Where: Piwna St., The Old Town
Map: click to open
When: Saturday, 11 October, 9am-8pm
How much: free!
Details: click here


Eat a ton of apples, dress up well and go dancing to a proper ball this Saturday!